Advanced Innovations S.r.l.

Anschrift : 20865 - Usmate Velate MB, Via dell'Artigianato, 32F
Telefon : +39 039 6829636
Fax : +39 039 6753207
Web :

Advanced Innovations has grown from an industrial group of companies boasting more than 30 years' experience in the security system and industrial automation sectors giving the company a considerable commercial advantage and the access to extensive technological know-how in the protection of premises, people and objects. By developing the various trends in innovative technology, Advanced Innovations can offer businesses the best solutions for required applications or provide complete finalized solutions.
The IP cameras are now gaining an increasing share of the video surveillance market thanks to new sensors, the integration of electronic and computer systems and the development of telecommunication systems. Advanced Innovations has from the outset also greatly believed in this technology and is now confident in making a strong technical contribution when choosing video IP both for cameras or LAN-WAN-WiFi-GSM/UMTS transmission or mixed technology (copper-optical fiber). The different training courses offered by Advanced to their clients demonstrate their dedication to the wide range of applications.
In the traditional video surveillance sector Advanced Innovations distributes components CCTV systems. Its products are chosen for their reliability and complete range. Advanced Innovations product range offers a wide choice of traditional video cameras with Infra-Red lighting, standard and varifocal lenses, digital video recorders and numerous accessories.