Axxon One Video Management Software
Axxon One is limitlessly scalable video management software that fits both small and large video surveillance installations, including multi-location deployments. Axxon One stands out as one of the best video management software options leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence to deliver unique value, featuring intelligent video management system capabilities and customizable video analytics.
Axxon One Features
Explore the comprehensive technical specifications of Axxon One VMS software, including core functions, special features, video analytics, and supported devices and standards.
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Axxon One Editionen
Explore our diverse VMS and choose your video management option. The number of desktop, mobile, and web clients is unlimited. No payment for them is charged.
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Vertikale Sicherheitslösungen, die auf Axxon One VMS und Axxon PSIM basieren, haben ihre Effizienz in Tausenden Projekten bewiesen, unabhängig vom Umfang und der Komplexität. Mit der Fähigkeit, echte intelligente KI-gesteuerte Videoüberwachungssysteme oder integrierte physische Sicherheitslösungen zu konstruieren, genießen sie das Vertrauen vieler Kunden.
Axxon One Video Management Software combines innovative technologies and experience with deployment at tens of thousands of sites. It’s a balanced product that can meet the needs of any project, whatever the scale or complexity. With no limit on the total number of cameras, servers and clients, our video management system offers full functionality even for smaller installations. Moreover, to meet your very specific needs, we implement a turnkey AI video analytics training program.