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Data Networks

Telefon : +38 (044) 501 09 69
Web : data-networks.com.ua

Data Networks company has been operating since 2005. The main directions of our activity: 

  • Organisation of SCS (structured cable systems); 
  • Construction of FOCL (fibre-optic communication lines); 
  • Complex installation of management, control and video surveillance systems of any complexity. 

Given the enormous experience in the market, we have managed to show ourselves from the best side. Turning to Data Networks, you can be sure of the quality of the ordered service. No wonder that for many years we have been working with such large companies as Kyivstar, Arterium, Peri Ukraine, Leroy Merlin, UkrGazVidobuvannya and many others, having proved to be a reliable partner and contractor that can be trusted. 

A team of experienced specialists - a guarantee of flawlessly executed work.

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