Ein weltweit führender Entwickler von intelligenter VMS und PSIM Software

Results of SICUR 2018


SICUR is considered the most prominent exhibition for security systems in Spain. The most recent event was held from February 20-23, 2018 at IFEMA (Madrid). It showed a high level of dynamics in the security market, demonstrated by the growing number of companies taking part in the exhibition and the large influx of visitors, both higher than previous years.

RISTER has become AxxonSoft’s new distributor in Spain, and they were responsible for introducing the complete range of our solutions. With significant experience and prestige in the market of security systems, RISTER is a high-profile wholesaler and a trusted partner. Their booth presented the Axxon VMS with a set of advanced search tools for effectively managing huge volumes of recorded video, and the PSIM Axxon PSIM with its vertical solutions, such as POS PSIM, Auto PSIM, and Face PSIM.

Besides, Dahua Technology showcased the first solution based on the Dahua Open Platform (DHOP). An application installed on the camera collects information about moving objects in the frame. This metadata is transmitted to the Axxon VMS server along with the video stream. The data is then used for powerful real time video analytics in the Axxon VMS and saved in the archive for instant criteria-based video search. The joint solution of Dahua Technology and AxxonSoft brings smart video surveillance systems to a new level of accessibility and cost-effectiveness.

"This has been a really productive exhibition with high expectations currently becoming real projects for us. Our most valuable pillars, namely focusing our products on innovative ideas, our commitment to open technologies and a combination of the best existing security solutions under the same platform, have been highly appreciated by specialists and experts in the sector. It has been the starting point of a collaborative relationship with some of the most prominent security companies in Spain."

— Dmitry Lyulin, Managing Director of AxxonSoft Spain and Portugal